пятница, 29 апреля 2011 г.

Biography of Arsen Safaryan

Biography of Arsen Safaryan
The singer was born on April 12, 1977, in village Tsmakahogh, Martakert region, Nagorno Gharabagh.  In 1980 together with his family he has moved to Hrazdan, Kotayk region, RA. While studying at school he has played football for four years, in addition he has taken sculpture classes, which is still a hobby for him. From 15 years old he started playing grass hokey. After a year of practice, he was included in National League of Young Hokey Players and has participated in many international tournaments. 
In 1994, at the age of 17, he was granted a title of Master in Sports, and entered to Sports-game department of Yerevan State Institute of Physical Culture, which he has finished on 1998.
With the support of his brother Arthur Safaryan, at the age of 16, he started playing a guitar and singing songs in various genres.
In 1995 he was invited as a soloist by “Amadeus” musical center, under Yerevan State Conservatoire. In the same year he produced his first single “Baits Du Ches Galis” (“You are not coming yet” music and lyrics written by Arthur Safaryan).
In 1996 he has participated at annual “AYO” song competition organized by Armenian State Theatre of Song, where he was noticed by Artistic Director Arthur Grigoryan, and was invited to study and work there. From 2000 he has left the Theatre and started his own solo career.
Arsen Safaryan is married and has two children: a daughter and a son.

2002- “VOSKE QNAR 2002”, the Best song of April Month for the song “Baits Du Ches Galis” 
2002 -“Hit FM”, “106% Hit” award for the song “Baits Du Ches Galis”
2003- “ASTANA2003”, the Best singer of the Year
2003- Radio “VAN”, “VOSKE QNAR 2003”, the Grand Prix for the song “Chem Karogh Heranal”
2004 - National Musical Award “Qo Anuny”, the Hit of the Year
2004 - Radio “VAN”, award for the song “Hin Orer”
2006 - Radio “VAN”, “VOSKE QNAR2006”, the Best song of the year for the song “Te Voroshes”

2003- The first album “Yekar Antsar” was produced.
2005- A video-clip for the song “Kyanqits Aveli” was shot.
On February 10, 2006, the second album named “Kyanqits Aveli” was produced, which was presented at “ZigZag” store.
During autumn 2006 the DVD of the first show-concert “ Aisor, Aistegh” was produced.
In spring of 2007, the video-clip for the song “Ognir Indz Mariam” was shot by Hrant Movsisyan.
In summer of 2007, the video-clip for the song “Siro Yereko” was shot by Suren Tadevosyan in Valencia, Spain, which was a gift from “GIANI” Production Center.
In autumn of 2007, the video-clip for the song “Husheri Aygum” written by Marina Ales was shot by Lusine Martirosyan.

From 2002, Arsen Safaryan has performed in concerts throughout Armenia and abroad. Namely he performed in France from 2004 to 2005, on 2005 in Belgium, on 2006 in Iran, as well as in all regions and over 30 towns of Armenia.
On April 3rd and 4th, 2006 the first solo show-concert of Arsen Safaryan took place at National Academy Theatre of Opera and Ballet named after Aleksandr Spendiaryan: live music, with best musicians of Armenia, and 30 dancers.
On August 2006 during celebration of 15th Anniversary of Independence of Nagorno Gharabagh, together with the Government of Nagorno Gharabagh, over 13 concerts were organized in all regions, capital city and military units of the republic, many of which were beneficent concerts.
On April 12, 2007 the “P-ART” Production Center has organized a big concert to celebrate 30th Anniversary of Arsen Safaryan. The concert titled “Yndhameny 30” (Only 30), with live music, visual effects, a dancing show, many friends and lots of Congratulations!


Biography of Arsen Safaryan

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